First on our Halloween agenda was to meet DeAnne and her kids and Steve and his kids at the Village for some trick or treating. The Village is in old town Arroyo Grande and is full of little shops and restaraunts. All the owners sit in front of their shops while the kids trick of treat. There are tons of kids and it is lots of fun.
Doesn't Velma look like she is having a blast.
Belle is always ready to pose for the camera. Isn't she a beautiful princess! The whole group...almost. Steve and his group had to leave before we got our act together to get a picture and Megan was passing out candy in front of Brisco's.
Reaping the rewards. And yes, Mackinsie's mouth is full of an entire Reese's peanut butter cup that she just stuck in her mouth.
Next we flew over to our ward party for some games and Trunk or Treating.
Here is our Supergirl!
Now she is trying to steal some candy from her sister's jack-o-lantern. Very sneaky!
Dorothy ran into the Wicked Witch at the Party!
Here is Mackinsie the next morning and yes she is still wearing her constume. Even as I am writing this she has yet to take it off.
Hi Shannon, looks like you had a great time. Will you please pass on my love to Deanne and Steve and their families? I haven't been able to do so in a long while. Thanks so much.
I feel for your costume situation. It was all I could do to get Ashleigh out of her costume long enough to wash it. I have to wash it again tonight so it can be ready for yet another fun day of Word Girl action.
RJ is an officer in the US Air Force and we are stationed at Vandenderg AFB. We are living in Santa Maria. Shannon is a stay-at-home mom to three beautiful girls. She also works as an RN in the emergency room during her spare time! LeOra is 6 and loves pink, playing with friends and being a kindergardener. Mackinsie is 4 and loves to dress up, put on lip gloss and dance. Kirstin is 2 and love to copy all the things her sisters are doing. She has no idea she is younger than them!
Hi Shannon, looks like you had a great time. Will you please pass on my love to Deanne and Steve and their families? I haven't been able to do so in a long while. Thanks so much.
So cute! Your girls are beautiful. Thelma looks pretty GOOD too. We can't wait to see you all in person!
I feel for your costume situation. It was all I could do to get Ashleigh out of her costume long enough to wash it. I have to wash it again tonight so it can be ready for yet another fun day of Word Girl action.
Life looks like it's going great for you guys!! I found your page from Kreed's... :)
Randi Brown (Rodgers)
So fun!!!! I love the costumes the girls picked! Cute blog layout too
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