Last night we had our "Special Halloween Family Home Evening Party" and it was lots of fun. Our girls love to have parties and this one was especially spooky! We started the evening with everyone dipping their own carmel apples. Then we moved on to carving our pumpkins. We were going to do them all but in the end only had time to do the "daddy pumpkin". Then we turned off all the lights in the house and turned on just our jack-o-lantern and one string of festive pumpkin lights and told scary stories while we ate our carmel apples. It was lots of fun. Things like this are getting so fun the older my girls get. They get so excited. I loved hearing LeOra's scary story about a little girl who got stuck in a jack-o-lantern. RJ told a story about 2 little girls in a spooky forest looking at all the spooky trees and seeing what was in them. LeOra loved it but Mackinsie got a little nervous even though in the end it was just a fluffy bunny making all the noise. (Daddy added that part as he saw Mackinsie snuggle in my lap more and more.)
I love how are girls are looking up to their dad. So cute!
Mackinsie couldn't wait to take a bite out of hers, whether it had carmel on it or not!
And don't ask her to put down her chocolate peanut butter ball while dipping her apple. After all she is a girl and can to many things at the same time.
Looks delicious!
This was a picture RJ took of he and Kirstin. Not bad for holding a baby and snapping a picture.

Next came carving the pumpkins. Daddies are the best at that. Here are RJ and the girls planning out what our jack-o-lantern would look like. LeOra took much more interest in it than Mackinsie.

My poor husband is so out numbered and I will illustrate why (besides the obvious). He built such anticipation prior to removing the top of the pumpkin and being able to get out all the "gunk" to only hear "gross" and "don't make me put my hand in there" and "you do that daddy". LeOra finally stuck her had in once and pulled out a tiny bit of gunk and then said, "I don't think I want to do that again." We couldn't talk Mackinsie into putting her hand in there at all. So poor daddy had to take out all the seeds himself. I did help him scrape it at the very end. Not all the girls in this family are to prissy.

I think LeOra is making the same face at the jack-o-lantern.

If any of you have spent any time around Mackinsie lately you know how obsessed she is with lip gloss. She carries it around everywhere and sleeps with it next to her bed. She always has glossy moist lips and apparently she thought that our pumpkin needed to also. Here she is putting her lip gloss that she got from her cousins this weekend on the pumpkin. Doesn't he look better now!

See I told you I help take out the seeds. And no I did not eat it.

The final product. I love the heart shaped ears. This is definitely a house of girls!

HOLY PUMPKIN! You can come to my house anytime to carve pumpkins and make candy apples. The door is open. Hope you are all well
Extra Boo's and Happy Halloween
Hello Zieglers! How are you? Look at all your beautiful daughters. By the way this is Kristen "Olsen". Anyway it's great kinda seeing you guys. Come see us sometime.
So much fun! We bought pumpkins but were too lazy to carve them- maybe next year. Now we need some pictures of the girls in their costumes!
Those are some huge pumpkins!!! Sheesh!!!! Love all the cute pics!
What a fun FHE activity! I can't wait till our boys get older and start enjoying stuff like that. Your girls are ADORABLE! I love pictures with daddy and his girls, just melts your heart. Great costumes! I especially liked super girl! (this is Brent's wife by the way)
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