I forgot to mention on my last post that while we were in Arizona Kirstin started to sit, crawl and pull herself up on everything she can. In fact, the first day we were home, I went in to get her out of bed and she was standing there, practically hanging over the side because I hadn't lowered the bed all the way down. I didn't think she would be doing that so soon. Needless to say, I lowered it immediately. It looks so cute to have her standing there when I come get her. She is getting way to big, way to fast.
Because she is down there already, we might as well put her to work. RJ called her our Cinderella Baby.
Also this crawling has enable her to get into more mischief! Again, thank Heaven for shatterproof ornaments!
Wouldn't you like that Christmas present under your tree!
Because she is so cute, she doesn't get into too much trouble.
Her favorite toy is this little piano that she can sit at and pound away at that the stars light up.
Also this little girl took quite a liking to her Grandpa Pay. He was very proud that by the end of our stay there I could walk into and out of the room and she could care less. Quite an accomplishment for a baby who LOVES her mommy!
Feel free to send Cinderella Baby over here any weekend, my two kids would make good even step brothers, they mess the place up good. lol
Wow...can't believe she is doing all that already! They grow up way too fast :o(
Thanks. You'll get the hang of it. I have a membership that I pay for monthly to do the scrapbook pages. Kinda pricey, but as long as you use it I think it's worth it.
Wow! your kids are growing! I can hardly believe it has been that long since we have seen you guys! What beautful girls!
She is too cute! I love all the fun pictures, under the tree, playing the piano, decorating the tree and CLEANING!?! I am super impressed!
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