Those of you who have been out to this part of California know how beautiful the weather is all year round. It is very temperate since we are so close to the ocean. This makes it very tricky when talking to a four year old about what the seasons are. Here is an example to elaborate. The other day we were riding in the car to story time at the library and this is the conversation LeOra and I had.
LeOra: "Mom I just saw some leaves on the ground and falling from that tree. It must be fall."
Me: "Well, no it is actually winter time."
LeOra: "But I thought it was cold in the winter time?" (the weather that day was sunny and warm)
Me: "Well, yes it is usually cold in the winter. But is depends on where you live as to how cold it gets. Here it doesn't get as cold as other places."
LeOra: "So is it summer because it is so warm today."
Me: "No it is still technically winter. Look at that tree. She the one that has no leaves on it. That is what happens in the winter, there are no leaves on the trees. In the spring there are blossoms and flowers on the trees, in the summer there are bright green leaves, in the fall the leaves turn color and fall off the trees and in the winter time there are no leaves on the trees. "
A few minutes later.
LeOra: "Look mom it must be spring now. That tree has pretty pink blossoms on it."
I suppose that is what I get for using trees as an example of what season it is. There are things blooming all year round here. The weather is wonderful, but very confusing!
Family Time
9 months ago
That is way funny. I've had almost the same conversation with Kendall at least once a week for about 2 months! The poor kid is so confused.
You can have all the snow in my front yard, I'll ship it to you. She sounds so cute! I love how deep little one's think
That's the great thing about Cali. But can be very confusing to little! Great effort in trying to explain the seasons though. I think I would of given up after the second question. haha
What a wonderful blog! Nice background too!
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